Hi Mindy!
Everything is wonderful!! Zoom (we’re going to call him McGuire like Darcy was) survived the trip down here just fine. We walked into his stall and his neighbor huge Heather about 17 hands – had her head over the divider fence saying hi, right away. There is a continual breeze from the ocean through his stall and his roof is raised up above the others so the space seems much bigger than it really is.Sunday a.m. Bill and I got a big greeting from a dozen folks in that row soon as we showed up and then we paraded McGuire around to show off. We took him out into the dirt hills for a few minutes just to introduce him to the area. He was a tiny bit stressed but nothing to think about. He is just extraordinary. Monday the farrier fixed his feet, gave him new shoes and shined up his hooves with Thomson’s water seal. He looks like a million bucks. These next few days we will settle into a routine he’s so dang cute, wants to follow me like a puppy dog whenever I leave his stall. The Imus saddle has gotten a lot of attention with polishes, conditioners and other stuff. It was a work of art to start, now it’s a work of the heart (and a lot of elbow grease.) It looks s-o-o-o-o-o good. I ordered a Brenda Imus saddle pad made for the 4-beat saddle. I want to thank you for all the time and attention you gave to me and for putting McGuire in the line-up with the other horses for me to consider. The trail ride with you and Gloria was just the best trail ride I ever had. Tell Gloria that I appreciate her advice about not letting this guy get into bad habits, just like you did on him trying to get away with snatching leaves. Everyone was so caring and thoughtful …… Linda Clarke, Darcy, Barney, Doc Jensen, and everyone who came around to see the baby. Bill and I hope to see you folks in the not-to-distant future. In the meantime, enjoy your amazing home and your great friends and neighbors.
Aloha my friend,
Candy Moore